Monday, March 23, 2009

Hello, loneliness

I have a recurring dream I'd like to share with you. I'm sitting on a dock watching the sun go down and there's a girl next to me. She has no distinguishing charactersistics and her face is obscured. I feel happy the whole time and things seem right.

Last night, though, the girl wasn't there. The dock was still there, as were both the sun and myself, but no girl. And everything felt right. Peaceful, maybe even happier than the previous incarnation of my dream.

Does it mean I'm coming to terms with my lack of relationship experience? Is my mind just trying to make me feel better about the occasionally crushing loneliness of my life? Am I going crazy?

Things are rough right now and everything's weird, I guess.


  1. Well, you know that I'm a really intriguing person.

    Maybe not in a good way, but intriguing, nonetheless.
