Thursday, March 24, 2011

50 Video Game Characters: 38

Hey guys this one contains a shit load of spoilers re: Shadow of the Colossus, so if you care about that stuff, DON'T READ THIS

"Raise thy sword by the light, and head to the place where the sword's light gathers"

38. Dormin (Shadow of the Colossus)

The temptor is quite a classic archetype in literature, even moreso biblically. A snake convinces Eve to take an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, forcng her and Adam's expulsion from Paradise. Then of course there's Satan, the fallen angel who is known to tempt others into sin, including his multiple temptations of Jesus Christ in the desert. A character who serves as temptation is very rare in video games, but Dormin is able to trump anyone who tries to challenge his throne in this aspect.

Dormin is an ancient evil whose power is sealed inside the bodies of 16 giants, known as Colossi, who themselves are wandering in the forbidden land. Acting as the aide to a young man looking to revive his beloved, Dormin convinces him to destroy the Colossi as a means to bring the girl back to life. As Wander, the hero, sets about destroying the(semi-docile) beasts, his appearance becomes more and more corrupted with each Colossus slain. A life formerly untarnished, being overwrought with evil. By the end, of course, Dormin now free of his shackles, invades the body of Wander and begins causing chaos until he is sent away in a whirlwind of light.

Like most temptors, however, he does keep his end of the bargain, despite his wholly evil intentions. The young girl finally awakens, traveling to the temple pond where Dormin/Wander was banished, finding a baby with horns on his head in the same manner as Wander near the conclusion of the game.

Best moment: When he possesses Wander and you are able to control them both as one.

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