Friday, May 14, 2010

25 Best Movies of the Decade: 15

"All these years, all these memories, there was you. You pulled me through time."

15. The Fountain(2006)

It's really hard for me to vocalize what is so amazing about The Fountain. It could just be the beautiful visuals or the sweeping mesmerizing score. It could be the fantastic performances of Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz as lovers in three different time periods. But I think what really gets me is the themes.

The whole thing is about living longer whether it be Captain Tomas Verde's search for the tree of life or Dr. Tommy Creo's desperate search for the cure to his wife's brain tumor. It's a matter that we're all afraid of death and we all try to extend our life before the fear destroys us or death takes us.

And it's all told in one of the most beautiful ways possible. Seriously it's hard to explain this, so just watch it.

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