Sunday, May 16, 2010

25 Best Movies of the Decade: 9

"In extreme circumstances, the assailants can be stopped by removing the head or destroying the brain. I will repeat that: by removing the head or destroying the brain."

9. Shaun of the Dead(2004)

Shaun has no direction in his life. He's 29 and still working as a clerk at an electronics store, he has terrible relationships with his stepfather and flatmate(well, one flatmate) and his girlfriend, tired of their social life(specifically that he brings her to the same bar every night), breaks up with him. Despondent, Shaun finally resolves to sort his life out the morning after a binge. Only problem is, the next morning happens to be the dawn of a zombie apocalypse.

Shaun of the Dead could have easily been another Scary Movie. Just make a comedy with some horror background and then make stupid jokes. But Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright and crew have a deeper appreciation for cinema and made a zom-com(technically a rom-zom-com) that doesn't mock or parody, but lovingly references. While the whole cast is fantastic, but the real stand-outs are obviously Simon Pegg and Nick Frost who have perfect chemistry as Shaun and his crude pal Ed.

To quote a review, "Shaun of the Dead isn’t just the best horror-comedy of the decade – it’s quite possibly the best horror-comedy ever made"

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