Thursday, February 24, 2011

50 Video Game Characters: 42

"I am the Great Mighty Poo/and I'm going to throw my shit at you"

42. The Great Mighty Poo (Conker's Bad Fur Day)

Say what you will about the Poo and you can say a lot. He's a disgusting, immature and stupid as hell character in game all about crudeness(crudity? crudité?). But you cannot deny that he is indeed one of the most original bosses to ever appear.

As you can see, the Poo is, well, a poo. He is quite literally a giant anthropomorphic piece of stool. I'm not even going to try and be faux-intellectual and break down the character of a giant shit. Okay well maybe a little.

The Poo is, despite his smell, texture and overall look, an incredibly vain creature. Not only is he proud of his feculent lifestyle, he is also quite enamored by the sound of his own voice, judging by the boss fight revolving around him hitting enough operatic notes to crack the glass above him.

By the end of the fight, you're either laughing or tired of this joke. Either way, you know you just went through something thoroughly original. And also something fucking stupid.

Best moment: As he is being flushed, he laments his defeat in a manner similar to the Wicked Witch.

"Ah! You cursed squirrel! Look what you've done! I'm flushing! I'm flushing! Oh, what a world, what a world! Who'd have thought a good little squirrel like you could destroy my beautiful clagginess! Ah! I'm going! Oh! Ahh! No! Aaaaaaah!"

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