Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hi It's Me Again

Let's do another list. Just you and me. Like a family.

So, lemme explain this list for you. This is a list of video game characters and, well...lists of video game characters are somewhat done to death. Deader then death. Done to death than resurrection and death again. It's the Jesus Christ of lists.

So this is list is more or less the underdogs. The overlooked characters, the sidekicks, the underrated villains and, in one case, the indie developed games.

I mean yeah, most, if not all, of these characters are recognizable and some have been on lists in the past. But not for the most part. Sure, you'll see some (very) familiar faces and that's fine.

I feel like I'm rambling and I should stop. SO, let's just do this.

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