Saturday, August 15, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters: 58

"Expecto Patronum!"

58. Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Yes, go ahead and laugh at this choice if you must. In all honesty, I was a bit wary myself, but Potter's films bring an added level to the books (no reading).

In all honesty, this is all on the actor in this case. The writer (JK Rowling, of course) has written seven books on this character, just about fully making a rounded character. It was pretty much all on Daniel Radcliffe in "Sorcerer's Stone" to make this character complete. To make him entirely three-dimensional. And he failed.

But you can't blame him, he was only a kid! As Radcliffe grew, he gained more knowledge of acting and as Harry transformed from wide-eyed child to angsty teen, so did he. And it shows. Yet, even for his occasional moodiness, Harry is still the hero, still empathetic and likable. To see a character brood and to still like him can prove to be a challenge for an actor, but Radcliffe is able to pull it off more than gracefully.

And he's stuck with this character for the rest of his goddamn life.

Defining moment: His rage-filled storm to Snape at the end of "Half-Blood Prince," calling him a coward and yelling at him to fight. The emotional distress in his voice and movements are just fabulous.

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