Monday, August 24, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters: 44

"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."

44. Yoda
The Empire Strikes Back

Part 6 in a series of Star Wars characters

At first glance, he just looks like some kind strange little creature, and let's face it, he is. Barely a person on Earth who couldn't immediately recognize Yoda's distinct way of speaking, there is. Plus he's a puppet that's roughly the size of an Ewok and when we're even introduced to him, he plays himself off as a slightly demented old man, or whatever he is.

Of course, he isn't. He's actually one of the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, exiled to the disgusting swampy Dagobah system after the Empire emerged as the new power. His role in the Star Wars canon is far too important for words. He denies teaching young Anaking Skywalker due to the present anger and fear in the boy. He teaches Anakin's son, the wonderfully-coiffed Luke Skywalker, the ways of the Force and makes him into a true Jedi. He even fights amazingly (although he sometimes looks like a hopping CGI turd, but let's forget about that).

The fact that Yoda is one of the few characters left virtually unscathed by the film's prequels is a testament to the little guy's integrity and importance. Judge him by his size, you should not. His ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.

Defining moment: I could easily go the direct route and say something like Yoda lifting Luke's X-Wing with the Force, but that's not my favorite moment. Yoda's defining moment for me is his introduction where he acts like a doddering old fool before revealing himself to be a Jedi master. I just like the fact that this powerful creature just wants to dick around with Luke by eating his food before teaching him. It's funny to me.

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