Friday, August 7, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters: 64

"There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking."

64. Daniel Plainview
There Will Be Blood

A manipulator, a misanthrope, a greedy son of a bitch. These traits gets a man to the top? In the case of Daniel Plainview, turn-of-the-century oil man, yes. Yes, they certainly do.

There is nothing outright likable about Plainview at first glance, or at second glance. Or third, for that matter. Fuck it, there's nothing likable about Daniel Plainview. He has no true redeeming qualities other than his brains, which he uses to plot how to get his next oil well.

His adoption of H.W. Plainview as his son and business partner only to project a status of family man shows what a sour man he truly is. He adopts a child and sacrifices the love and care that children need to further his own desires. When his child is grown and asks to be released from his partnership to start his own oil company, Plainview bluntly tells his son that he was adopted and then disowns him. He's more than likely the ugliest film character in recent memory, and that's what makes him unforgettable.

Defining moment: When he takes a break from his hectic life to sit down and enjoy a nice milkshake. Maybe he's not so bad after all.

Wait, that's not what happened? Oh...nevermind.

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