Sunday, May 17, 2009

25 Best Music Videos:21

21. Come to Daddy

Aphex Twin

Richard James (aka Aphex Twin) scares me. Like legit scares the shit out of me. While we're on the subject, this video. THIS VIDEO. It is like staring into the soul of Satan it is so horrifying. What with the disturbing trance/ambience music playing and James's spooky distorted face in a TV screen and a bunch of children that HAVE HIS FACE.

Then there's the ending, which I'm not going to give away if you haven't seen, but I just want to tell you how sorry I feel for the old woman in the video (the character, not the actress). She just wanted to walk her fuckin dog. Now she's getting tortured by scary little Aphex Twins?

Shit's fucked up right there.

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