Monday, July 27, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters : 79

"That bass player's a babe. She makes me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class"

79. Garth Algar
Wayne's World

Wayne Campbell loves partying and rocking. Garth Algar loves partying and rocking. They have a cable-access show in Aurora, Illinois about partying and rocking (and babes). They're both morons but Wayne is slightly less of a moron. This is all you need to know about the "Wayne's World" sketches from SNL. It's really all you need to know about the "Wayne's World" movies, too.

Sure, Garth may seem like an idiot, but at his core he's more of a savant. He's an inventor, a thinker, a wordsmith, he even unwittingly figures out Benjamin's evil plan in the first film. So what if he has the (more than) occasional panic attack which gives him a desire to hurl. Or if he's (more than) slightly a little mad. He still might be a genius in disguise. Shyeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.

Defining moment: Either his overtly complex plan to broadcast to record exec Frankie Sharp (posted below due to RIDICULOUS LENGTH) or his continuous lip-synching to "Bohemian Rhapsody" even after he forgets the lyrics.

Okay... First I'll access the secret military spy satelite that is in geosynchronous orbit over the midwest. Then I'll ID the limo by the vanity plate "MR. BIGGG" and get his approximate position. Then I'll reposition the transmission dish on the remote truck to 17.32 degrees east, hit WESTAR-4 over the Atlantic, bounce the signal down into the Azores, up to COMSAT-6, beam it back to SATCOM-3 transponder number 137 and down on the dish on the back of Mr. Big's limo. It's almost too easy.

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