Wednesday, July 8, 2009

25 Best Music Videos: 5

5. Once In A Lifetime
Talking Heads

David Byrne is a goddamn weirdo genius. Bespectacled and in a suit, he dances in front of a background surrounded with snow and sometimes multiple David Byrnes.

Coreographed by Toni Basil (later becoming famous with the song "Mickey"), "Once In A Lifetime" features Byrne dancing in spastic, awkward movements (seriously influenced by seizure victims) and synchronous dancing by a legion of background Byrnes, while the (talking) head Byrne gets more and more out of sync with the others. Frankly, it's a strange video because David Byrne is a strange man.

This video is a quintessential Talking Heads music video. Actively pushing a medium that is usually never pushed, it leaves you wondering what the hell you just watched.

It also

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite songs, amazing video. I'd have to agree with many of the choices you made on this list.
