Thursday, September 17, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters: 25


25. Ash
The Evil Dead

Maybe the only iconic horror movie hero, Ashley J. Williams traveled to an old abandoned cabin in the woods with his friends play a tape from the former owner who reads off a passage of the Necronomicon Ex Mortis or "Book of the Dead," unknowingly awakening a shitload of demons and evil spirits and possessing all of his friends.

From scared shitless to possibly insane badass, Ash is able to drive back the demons (both the literal demons outside and equally literal demons inside), but not before losing a hand and only to be transported back to medieval England, where he then must lead a force against the Army of Darkness, led by his demonic Deadite doppleganger.

I know its really cliche to say on the internet because just about everyone says this, but Bruce Campbell is fucking awesome. He can commit to even the worst thing, probably because he has too much fun doing otherwise. He's an excellent actor and skilled physical comedian (see: the fight against his own hand in Evil Dead 2). Also, Ash loves cheesy one-liners and is an idiot, so he's basically an action movie star stuck in a horror movie.

Defining moment: Stranded as a slave in the 1300s, Ash saves a number of peasants and knights from a vicious Deadite and is able to escape a pit meant for his death, Ash gains his weaponry (a sawn-off shotgun and a chainsaw) and promptly introduces these primitive screwheads to his prized "boomstick."

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