Tuesday, September 29, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters: 3

"I know"

3. Han Solo
Star Wars

Number 8 (and the final) in a series of Star Wars characters.

"FUCK LUKE SKYWALKER" was the general consensus when audiences laid their eyes on the swaggering nerf herder known as Han Solo. Smuggler by trade, fucking awesome by birth, Solo is able to seem cool as shit in situations where he might just seem like a total cockbag.

In addition to being super charming and a snappy dresser (look at that amazing vest), he's damn handy with a blaster (which Han may be the only person to find cooler than the fucking Force, ostensibly making the blaster cooler than anything ever). Plus he owns the sweetest ship in the galaxy (which made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, which makes it pretty damn amazing considering a parsec is distance, meaning the Millenium Falcon can warp distance) and has a god damn giant dog-ape as a sidekick.

Han Solo is fucking awesome. Act like you know.

Defining moment: Shooting first

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