Saturday, September 5, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters: 34

"Hello. I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

34. Inigo Montoya
The Princess Bride

Son of a great Spanish swordmaker, Inigo Montoya watched as his father was killed by a six-fingered nobleman. Devestated by his loss, he devoted his life to learning the ways of the sword, eventually becoming the only living being to earn the rank of "wizard" (a rank higher than "master" and a rank that doesn't actually exist). He originally had elaborate fantasies about getting his revenge on the six-fingered man, but over the years it evolved into the simple phrase above.

Inigo Montoya is an awesome character and he's this high on my list because I'm a big gay pussy who loves "The Princess Bride."

Defining moment: His fight with the mysterious "Man In Black," which begins as a patient conversation as the Man climbs a cliff and takes a breather when he reaches the top, but turns into a lengthy swordfight between the two expert fencers, starting with their left hands until they switch to their more dominant right hands.

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