Tuesday, September 29, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters: 4

"I look like you want to look. I fuck like you want to fuck. I am smart, capable and, most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not"

4. Tyler Durden
Fight Club

Tyler Durden is a bad man. A very, very bad man. He will pee in your soup, sell your fat back to you a soap, splice porn into your movies, and he will bomb the shit out of every material good you have, because let's face it you don't really need a home.

Id literally personified, Durden is a natural (or as natural that a figure of multiple personalites can be) born leader with a taste for the anarcho-primitivist. Stylish and cool, Durden will beat the shit out of your face and you wouldn't mind (because he doesn't exist).

He's not his job, or his parent's money, or even his fucking khakis. He's the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. And he wouldn't have it any. Other. Way.

Defining moment: The first night of Fight Club, and Tyler has a couple of very specific rules to lay down before the fighters engage in their activities.

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