Monday, September 28, 2009

100 Greatest Movie Characters: 8

"Get away from her, you bitch!"

8. Ellen Ripley

The greatest film heroine ever and possibly the biggest sci-fi badass ever, Ellen Ripley went from what is essentially slasher film hero (running around trying to avoid death by alien) to the greatest hero of the galaxies since the Empire was brought down by some kid with feathered hair and his space cowboy friend.

By the end of the first film, Ripley is stranded in space, drifting around in hypersleep. Revived 57 years after the Nostromo incident (where she was the only surviving crewmember of a Xenomorph attack) she is charged, due to her knowledge of the LV-426 planetoid (where the Nostromo first encountered Xenomorph eggs), to lead a team of space marines (yes SPACE MARINES) into investigating what happened to the colony living there. Turns out, surprise surprise!, that the aliens killed them all.

Well, almost all. Ripley swears to protect the last surviving member, a young girl named Newt. As her maternal instincts kick in, her fears of going face-to-face with a bunch of HR Giger nightmares all but disappear and she is reborn as a god damn warrior princess. In all honesty Ripley may be the biggest badass in any action film.

Defining moment: Going mano-a-mano (womano-a-womano?) with the Queen Alien. Oh and winning of course. If you don't know, the Alien Queen looks like this:

So yeah. Awesome.

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